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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Product Recalls

So I found out the other day that my youngest child's crib has been recalled.  It was kind of by accident that I found out, and I usually pay close attention to information about baby product recalls!  So this got me thinking about people who don't frequently write a parenting blog and might have recalls even further back in their minds than I do. 

How do others find out about recalls of products that they're using?

A lot of times, it might be on the news, listed on some websites, or might be a topic of discussion by mothers who've taken their kids to a playground.  Other than that, the only really solid way of knowing if a product you are using is still considered to be safe for the general public is to seek out information from the CPSC (if you're in the States.  If you're reading this from another country, find out the governing body that regulates recalls.)

The most recent and most news-worthy recalls are often published on parenting sites.  But there are also a few places you can go to keep up-to-date on a regular basis.  The CPSC has a site that will list all of the most recent recalls.  If you're interested in previewing recalls of items that might be purchased for a baby, you can find their widget detailing recent recalls on my Baby Products Recalls  page.  It's there because it just makes it easier to find out specifics on recalls having to do with products for kids.

If you have a question about a specific item that you've purchased and think that it might have been recalled, you can visit my general page on product recalls.  Here, you can enter the specific product in question to have the widget do a search on recalls for you.  It's a handy tool if you aren't interested in scrolling through other recalls to possibly find the one that you are interested in.

Keeping children safe is just one of the many responsibilities of parents these days.  Keeping apprised of product recalls is just one of the ways to stay armed with information to make the best decisions possible for your kids.

Visit us at Positive Parenting with Purpose for more on child safety, which includes info on such things as car safety (and more on the infant car seat), child poisoning, the internet safety for kids, (including info on things like the sexual offenders list), sun safety for kids, and some general information on child safety products to consider.

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