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Monday, August 13, 2012

Domestic Discipline Stories

I've been reading a lot of blogs and forums out there recently and, wow!  There are a lot of discussions going on in social media regarding what is the right method to discipline children. There are a lot of thought out there, but little in the way of personal domestic discipline stories. Spanking, time - outs, grounding, taking away privileges, only positive reinforcement -- Which is right and is it partially determined by what you, yourself, went through?

Did you experience mostly positive reinforcement?  Do you have your own corporal punishment stories from when you grew up?  Do you believe that you use old fashioned discipline, or are you trying to use newer ideas when it comes to disciplining kids?

Well, one thing is for certain when it comes to domestic discipline.  People generally have strong opinions one way or another.

My parents rarely spanked me or my brother.  And I can pretty much remember clearly the times that they did, and what I was spanked for.  I have some close friends that claim that they have never raised their voices at their children, and from what I've seen, I believe that.  And their kids are fantastic.  They're respectful, well - behaved, and articulate young adults.

So I'm asking my readers to share their domestic discipline stories... either situations they recall from their own childhood, or situations with their kids.  Come on.  Share.  Share the good, the bad, the ugly.  If you want, do it anonymously.  But I really think it'll be interesting to get some dialogue going on this.

To weigh in specifically on your preferred method of discipline, head over to my site and submit your comments. To do that, click here. Come visit my "parenting discipline" page for more on this topic.  Click here for information on toddler tantrums. 

Want to have a clearer definition for domestic discipline?  Check out what Wiki has to say.


  1. I am like you. I remember the couple of times my daddy spanked me. It worked. It was more about me not wanting to disappoint him than anything else.

    I have spanked my child, and I'll do it again if needed. It worked for me. And I think more people need to stop trying to be pc and discipline their children.

  2. I was spanked. It was fine. Not at the time. But it did the trick.
